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新闻和活动 2004

Marco Segato receives the SAP Award for the management


Palazzo Clerici in Milan, hosted the gala dinner for the SAP Award for the Management promoted by SAP, worldwide leader in business software solutions, in cooperation with SDA Bocconi, the International Master School for managers.
The SAP Award for the Management has been given to Marco Segato, Vice President of Sales of Ferretti Yachts, for the successful approach to the global market challenge, which was the focus of this first edition of the award.

The young manager, selected by his colleagues of the last three years of the MBA Master SDA Bocconi, gave the scholarship offered by SAP to Stefano Zerbi, new member of the MBA Master SDA Bocconi, enriching the meaning of this initiative: to enhance the mutual support and the meeting between the different generation of managers.

The award confirms the wish and the attention of SAP towards the growth and the development of the managing culture in Italy.


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