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新闻和活动 2020

Miami Yacht Show 2020


Ferretti Group will be at the Miami Yacht Show 2020 (One Herald Plaza, Ramp C) from 13 to 17 February 2020. The 14-strong fleet includes two US premières – the Dolceriva and 48 Wallytender. The Riva brand will also be exhibiting the 100' Corsaro, 56' Rivale and 76' Bahamas, while Ferretti Yachts offers the 920, 780, 720 and 670 models. Not to be outdone, Pershing presents the 9X, 8X, 70 and 5X. And to round off the collection in style, the Custom Line 120' is on show with the 100' Corsaro at the Island Gardens Deep Harbour.


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