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新闻和活动 2007

Privilege Days 2007


FERRETTI YACHTS organises the fifth edition of the most exclusive event for FERRETTI owners.

During the last weekend in March, Cannes hosted the Privilege Days, the exclusive worldly event bringing together Ferretti ship-owners from all over the world. With this fifth edition, Privilege Days renewed the success of the previous editions, consolidating its position as the most eagerly awaited opening rendezvous of the summer season.
Privilege Days represent an exclusive meeting opportunity for the Ferretti Yachts, Mochi Craft and Custom Line aficionados. A cosmopolitan and privileged community will gather at the magnificent Cote d'Azur to share the passion for the sea and to get a closer look at the new models and services of the three brands who have become the icon of the made in Italy luxury worldwide.

Since the very first edition, Ferretti Yachts has been able to attract the attention and the appreciation of its loyal ship-owners. The exchange between those who truly love the sea, the presentation of the fleet and the luxury that only a Ferretti yacht can express, both when navigating and when moored at the dock, are the elements that have led to the creation of a veritable international and exclusive community.

The components underlying the success of the event are in keeping with the characteristics embodied in every Ferretti, Mochi Craft and Custom Line yacht: refined simplicity, extreme care for the details, excellent building capacity. Through the attention to the customers and their needs, the three brands have been able to conquer and maintain the leading role they play in the worldwide scenario of luxury ship building.

Norberto Ferretti, President of the Ferretti Group, and Fulvio Dodich, Managing Director of Ferretti Yachts, perfect examples of the Group's capacity to conquer and retain customers' trust, welcomed invitees from all over the world to Port Canto.
A portion of the well-equipped marina was reserved for the fleet of FERRETTI YACHTS, flanked by MOCHI CRAFT and CUSTOM LINE fleets. The colourful Dolphins, that launched the Italian lobster boat style, and the splendid yachts by Custom Line, a leader in the production of 29 to 34 m long maxi yachts, will be lined up along the dock at the disposal of ship-owners and their friends.Among the new features, the Ferretti new fleet flagship recently built, the prestigious Ferretti 881 RPH, will be available to visit and trial.

Guests were hosted at Martinez Hotel, and Saturday evening they attended to a gala dinner in the suggestive hall of the Palais du Festival. The evening was enlivened by a performance by Kataklò, the first Italian dance company staffed by Olympic class athletes, who staged a series of acts especially designed to express the essence of the values upheld by the brands.Thanks to the complete fleet on display and Ferretti's proverbial hospitality, Privilege Days 2007 gave all participants a chance to feel part of the Being Ferretti philosophy.


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