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新闻和活动 2007

Fulvio Dodich, currently in charge of Ferretti Yachts, Mochi Craft and Custom Line, leaves Ferretti Group


Fulvio Dodich, currently in charge of Ferretti Yachts, Mochi Craft and Custom Line, has decided to leave Ferretti Group in order to follow a different professional career path outside the company. Ferretti Group C.E.O. Vincenzo Cannatelli will immediately take temporary charge as Manager of the Ferretti Yachts, Mochi Craft and Custom Line brands. The members of the Board of Directors wish to thank Fulvio Dodich, who will leave his position as of today, on behalf of Ferretti Group for the efficient, invaluable work he has carried out during over eleven years activity in the Group and the very best of luck for his future success.


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