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新闻和活动 2023

Ferretti Group wins “Legal Management of the Year Fashion and Luxury” prize at Toplegal Corporate Counsel Awards.


Forlì, May 19th, 2023 – Ferretti Group, world leader in the design and construction of motoryachts and pleasure boats, has for the second year running won the “Legal Management of the Year” prize in the Fashion and Luxury category at the Top Legal Corporate Counsel Awards, the highly regarded event created to celebrate excellence among the previous year’s stand-out corporate teams.
The criteria used to evaluate the corporate professionals are the principles of innovation and sustainable business development.
The award ceremony took place during a gala evening held last May 18th at the Principe di Savoia hotel in Milan, and in addition to the “Legal Management of the Year” award, several members of the Group’s team were 2023 finalists in in the following categories: Niccolò Pallesi as General Counsel, Roberto Ramilli as Tax Director, Andrea Brasini, as an HR Director and Veronica Martoni as Chief Compliance Officer.


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